Getting Engaged Over the Holidays? Here's How to Pick the Perfect Diamond

Engagement Ring

You're going to get engaged over the holidays! Congratulations! What a perfect gift to express your love.

But now, you have a huge decision in front of you: picking out the right ring.

Choosing the perfect diamond can be overwhelming with all the options available. But your ideal engagement ring is just waiting for your fiancé's finger. This guide will help you pick the perfect diamond.

Consider Size

You probably know that diamonds are measured in carats. Carats determine the size of the stone. But the physical size of a carat can differ based on the cut. While larger carat weights mean a larger stone, it's not always the ideal option.

Half carat diamonds are popular for engagement rings. Two carats create a bold statement and sparkle while still being a manageable size.

Shape and of the Stone

Round diamonds are the engagement ring go-to. But if you're looking for something more unique, you're in luck; unique shapes have become much more popular.

Triangle, shield, and pear-shaped diamonds are currently trending. And if you're looking for something that will really stand out, choose a stone that's rose-cut, not brilliant cut.

Rose-cut gems have a flat bottom and a glassy appearance that differs from the norm. They make beautiful and unique engagement rings.

Color of the Stone

Shimmery colorless diamonds aren't going anywhere. And their abundance is the perfect reason to choose a diamond with color. Make your engagement ring person with a stone in a gorgeous color range.

If your partner still likes white, try a salt and pepper diamond. But if they're open to something unique, try a chocolate, smokey, or peachy-colored diamond. 

Color of the Gold

You may have focused on the diamond for most of your engagement ring shopping, but don't neglect the band color. The color of the gold matters just as much as the diamond; luckily, it can be an easy decision.

It comes down to a simple question: white gold or yellow gold? The best way to find out is by looking at what color jewelry your soon-to-be spouse wears most often and match that.

But if there's no clear-cut winner, remember this. Yellow gold is more modern and adds warmth, while white gold is cool and classic. Ultimately, it comes down to preference.

Consider the Bride's Lifestyle

This can help you decide the style of the ring. Does your future bride like dainty and feminine jewelry. Or something bold and solid?

Keep their profession in mind as well. If your partner uses her hands a lot for their job or they work out a lot, you'll want a diamond that can stand up to that wear and tear. You wouldn't want to lose a diamond when doing an everyday task.

Pick the Perfect Diamond

A holiday engagement makes a magical season even more special. The right ring will make your future bride feel like it was made just for her. What better way to start your life together than to announce your engagement surrounded by family and friends.

Choosing an engagement ring is a personal decision. It can also be a very overwhelming one. Our selection can make it easy for you to pick the perfect diamond.

Our rings are sustainably sourced. Recycling the gold and silver is more eco-friendly. And our conflict-free diamonds is an ethical alternative to the traditional diamond.

If you know exactly what your future bride wants, why not design something custom? We'd love to help you express your love through a one of a kind engagement ring.

Ready to make this a holiday season to remember? Allow us to help you find the best ring for your future fiancé.